Learning Labs
LMU Munich Endovascular Course for Complex Aortic Procedures
Dates: 8 - 9 May 2023
IZB Fördergesellschaft GmbH
Am Klopferspitz 21
D-82152 Planegg/Martinsried
Meeting room: Kubus
Dear Friends and Colleagues
We are excited to announce the LMU Munich Endovascular Course for Complex Aortic Procedures.
This theoretical overview will begin at the level of the aortic arch, covering the whole of the disease spectrum through to the iliac arteries. The theoretical component of day one will culminate with an introduction to case planning on the dedicated 3D workstation, Terarecon, together with the opportunity to plan two separate thoracoabdominal cases.
During the second day, participants will visit the hybrid OR, encounter fusion technology, and observe two complex endovascular aortic cases.